What To Know Before Ordering Concrete For A Construction Project

Before ordering concrete, you’ll need to be able to answer these three check-list items we ask anyone who calls for concrete. It’s a great way to help us gain an  initial idea of the overall project scope so our team can meet and exceed your expectations.

When it’s time to order concrete in the Abilene area, make us your first call!

1. Date, Time & Location

Have an initial date, time, and location determined before ordering. Schedules may change so keep that in mind when planning. This information lets us plan for your project along with the other commercial and residential concrete services provided by Arrington Concrete.

2. How Much & What Type

Aside from the when and where the question of how much concrete is needed for a patio or any other home addition is equally important. But don’t worry if you’re unsure of the amount, contact us and we can help you get started.

Then, depending on the project, such as a new concrete driveway, the type is key to creating a long-lasting surface. This is because not all concrete is equal in its ability to support and withstand different everyday use.

3. Wheelbarrow or Concrete Pump?

Our volumetric mixers can go almost everywhere to deliver concrete, but there are occasional small spaces it can’t. A customer may opt to use wheelbarrows or a concrete pump to reach the project area when this happens. When you use Arrington Concrete, keep this in mind, our team can help determine whether your construction project will need either option.

When You’re Ready To Order Concrete In The Abilene Area, Call Arrington!

We have proudly serve the Abilene area. When you choose Arrington Concrete for your concrete delivery needs, you’re choosing a dependable and experienced partner. Our team looks forward to helping you with your residential and commercial construction projects. Contact us today to begin!

photo of workers for commercial concrete