4 Tips For Choosing A Concrete Contractor

When choosing a contractor you must think of what you and your company needs. Being able to rely and trust your concrete contractor is key to a successful job. Finding someone who is best suited for your project and company’s needs isn’t always the easiest task. A good contractor is reliable and trustworthy but a great contractor is both those things and more. 

In this article, the important key factors to look for in a concrete contractor will be discussed. 

Continue reading to learn more and check out our about page to see what Arrington Concrete can do for you and your concrete needs. 

1. Experience

A concrete contractor should have years of experience. With experience comes references. Ask for a minimum of three references from the contractor. When asking for references see if they can provide examples of work that coincide with the references. This allows you to know the work and the people they’re referencing. It’s important to make sure the experience they do have aligns with work you’re needing done. For example, if you’re looking for a commercial concrete contractor you wouldn’t want someone who provides you only experience in residential stamped concrete. Experience is a tell-all sign that they have been able to keep their business going through the work they have done.

2. Liability Coverage

The contractor will have liability coverage to protect not them but you as well. If they don’t, that’s a sign you shouldn’t do business with them. Workmen’s compensation insurance certifications are extremely important to look for. This will cover any injuries to their crew working on your project. Make sure to check the contractor’s insurance status. Expired insurance is no use to you or them. 

3. Get It In Writing

It’s okay to check with multiple contractors at a time. Get two to three written estimates from different contractors. Have each one prepare a written proposal that includes a complete description of the work that will be done. They should list out all materials and products that will be used. Ask them to include the warranty length and what kind of coverage is available. All code requirements and how they will be met should be in writing. Also, who is responsible for getting necessary permits should be included. Finally, get a detailed explanation of the payment terms. Be aware they may include other key issues they may foresee. 

4. Payment Terms

When choosing who to trust as your contractor, be aware of the monetary value of the work being done. Should be wary of bids that are too good to be true. With the world we live in, materials are expensive. Don’t go for bargain deals on materials. Remember, you get what you pay for. Low prices may get you low quality, and may end up costing you more in the long run. Lastly, never pay in full for work before it’s completed. A trusted contractor should never expect full payment before completing a job. If you do, you may end up paying more for another new contractor to complete the work the previous contractor failed to complete. 

Volumetric concrete flows from a chute into a wooden form for a driveway replacement in Monte Alto, TX.